Support Red Deer Public Library
Volunteer with RDPL!
Thank you to each and every one of our volunteers! We couldn't do what we do without you.
Red Deer Public Library acknowledges the many benefits of volunteerism to our organization, to the volunteers, and to the community at large. The work performed by our volunteers is integral to the operations of the organization, not only for the time they contribute, but for their knowledge, skills, enthusiasm and fresh points of view. Our amazing volunteers allow us to achieve far more than we could on our own!
Volunteers are needed for a wide variety of activities:
Adult Literacy program | Youth Literacy Program | Friends of the Library | Home Service | Library Board & Committees
For general inquiries about volunteering at Red Deer Public Library, please contact Alla Mysko-Henke at or 403-346-2533.
You can also visit us on to apply for select volunteer opportunities.

Volunteer with us!
We are currently in great need of volunteers for our Adult Literacy Program and our new Youth Literacy Program! Find more information about these volunteer opportunities here:
Adult Literacy Program
phone: 403-346-2533
Youth Literacy Program
phone: 403-346-4576 ext. 8524
Monetary Donations

Donating to Red Deer Public Library
Red Deer Public Library gladly accepts donations of any amount to help support library programs such as the Summer Reading Club and Early Literacy initiatives.
Best of all, your donation is tax-deductible! RDPL is registered with Canada Customs & Revenue Agency as a charitable agency. For further information regarding donations of cash or gifts in kind to the Library, please contact the Administration Office at 403-346-4576 ext. 1002.
Donations can be made online at:
Great Expectations
What is Great Expectations?
Great Expectations is Red Deer Public Library's Planned Giving Program. Our donors provide essential philanthropic support that will help Red Deer Public Library ensure a better tomorrow for the citizens of Red Deer. Planned Gifts include gifts in wills, life income plans such as gift annuities and charitable trusts, and beneficiary designations of retirement plans, brokerage accounts, and life insurance policies.
Making a will is the first step toward a wise financial plan for you and your family. It allows you to decide how your assets will be distributed. It is also a way for you to carry your commitment to organizations that are important to you beyond your lifetime. The first step in this process is to consult with your attorney, accountant or trust officer who will work with you to design a bequest that fits your situation and meets your goals. A professional will ensure that you receive the tax benefits allowed for your gift. If you already have a will it may be amended by codicil to include the Library, the Friends or Library funds at the Community Foundation.
Your attorney may have a preferred style for drafting wills, but the following is sample bequest phrasing:
“I give and bequeath (describe dollar amount, property to be given, percentage or remainder) to Red Deer Public Library, 4818-49 Street, Red Deer AB T4N 1T9.”
Please call 403-346-4576 or send an email to with further questions.
Book Donations

The Friends of the Red Deer Public Library gratefully accept public donations of gently used books, DVDs, CDs, video games, and magazines for resale, with all proceeds going towards library initiatives. Unfortunately, they are not able to accept textbooks, encyclopedias, Readers Digests, and older magazines.
For more information about the Friends of RDPL visit