What is the Home Service Program?
The Home Service program pairs volunteers from the community with individuals who want to borrow physical library materials but are unable to visit the library themselves due to illness, poor mobility, or a physical or visual disability.
Qualified applicants will be partnered with a volunteer who will bring library materials to them every three weeks and return any borrowed materials to the library.
To qualify for the program, you must:
- live in the city of Red Deer.
- be unable to come into the library for three months or more due to an illness, poor mobility, or a physical or visual disability.
That's it! If you are unable to visit the library in person but still want to access all of our free resources, we want to make this happen!
How to apply
To apply for this service, please fill out the form below, or contact the Home Service Coordinator at homeservice@rdpl.org or 403-346-4576 extension 1501.

Get a Library Card
Get access to everything that the library has to offer! Free for all Red Deer residents.
Volunteering with the Home Service program
Love all the things your library has to offer and want to share these with a homebound reader? Become a Home Service Volunteer!
The time commitment is less than an hour, every three weeks. You and your Reader set the time. Every three weeks you bring new materials to your Reader and return items due to the library.
We will train you and assist you as you choose materials for your reader.
Volunteer Requirements:
- At least 18 years of age.
- Have transportation.
- Complete the application process, with references and criminal record check.
To apply to be a Home Service Volunteer, visit Volunteer Connector, opens a new window (to apply online) or contact the Home Service Coordinator at homeservice@rdpl.org or 403-346-4576 extension 1501.
Alternative to Home Service
If you prefer to select materials for yourself, you can place materials on hold from the online catalogue for pick up at any of the three branches. We will contact you when your materials are waiting for you to pick up then you or a designate can pick up the materials on your behalf.