Youth Literacy

Youth Literacy

Helping children succeed by supporting their literacy needs!

Youth Literacy

red deer firefighters children's charity
Central Alberta Co-Op logo

Helping children succeed by supporting their literacy needs!

red deer firefighters children's charity
Central Alberta Co-Op logo

About the Youth Literacy Program

What is the Youth Literacy Program?

Red Deer Public Library and Red Deer Firefighters Children's Charity's Youth Literacy Program is for students in Grades 1-12, who need to improve their literacy skills, comprehension and vocabulary. The purpose of Youth Literacy is to provide free, direct help in a fun and supportive environment. The program strives to offer sustainable and long term support for families, as well as greater opportunities for volunteers in the community.

For those in Grades 1-5, the focus will be on building skills, confidence and a love of reading. English learners in Grades 6-12 will have a more academic focus to gain the necessary vocabulary and comprehension skills for success in school. Youth Literacy hopes to offer both English and French tutoring, though that will be dependent on volunteer interest.

Youth Literacy will run during the school year beginning in October 2024, with a three month commitment. Learners will be paired with a volunteer and meet once a week. The family and volunteer tutor will select their preferred library branch and time for their session. (Note: French tutoring will only be available at Timberlands Branch).

Volunteer tutors are required to be 16+.

Learners must be referred by a teacher to participate in the Youth Literacy Program.

For more information, please email:

Thank you to the Red Deer Firefighters’ Children's Charities, Central Alberta Co-op, opens a new window, and private donations for their continued support.

volunteer opportunities

In only 1 hour per week, you can help foster a love of learning!

We are now seeking volunteers (ages 16+) for the new Youth Literacy program!

To apply for this volunteer opportunity, please head over to the Better Impact volunteer database using the links below. You can also download the free mobile app, opens a new window to apply and manage your volunteering.

Volunteering: Frequently Asked Questions

There are so many great reasons to volunteer for this essential literacy program! You will:

  • Serve as a role model to children in the community.
  • Work with children to improve their literacy skills and boost their confidence, thereby contributing to the improvement of literacy in the community.
  • Foster an enthusiasm for learning in the minds of young students.
  • Acquire important skills and volunteer experience to enhance your resume.

Set your child up for success!

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Homework Help & Learning Tools

Book Bundles

Youth Literacy Book Bundles

Youth Literacy Book Bundles will provide books for school-age kids geared towards fun reading, solo reading, and buddy reading.
Reading Pals Backpacks

Reading Pals Backpacks

Books and materials for all types of learners! Find packs for dyslexic readers, visual learners, STEAM, emotional intelligence, and more.
RDPL's Library Facility Dog snoozing on the floor. Text reads 'Sit, Stay, Read with Katja'

Sit, Stay, Read with Katja!

Tuesdays & Thursdays
Dawe & Timberlands Branches
Do you want to read to a furry friend? Katja, our library's facility dog in training is all ears! Click to learn more.

Which Library Dog Program Suits You Best?

A guide on how to choose a suitable library dog program at Red Deer Public Library for you and your family!

Fountas & Pinnell Booklists

Fountas & Pinnell Text Level Gradient is an organizational system using A-Z+ to assist with guided reading for children. The goal of F&P is to support reading development with established levels of materials to ensure the success of students. Click on the letters below for leveled booklists with Red Deer Public Library items. These lists are meant to be a guide to assist families with selecting materials and understanding the differences in content.

Online Homework Help Tools


Improve your grades! You'll find course lessons, reviews, and practice tests for Grades 3 through 12 based on the Alberta curriculum.

Novelist K-8 Plus

The perfect source for kids who loves to read (and their parents)! Discover new books, series, and authors based on your interests.


TumbleBook Library is an online collection of animated, talking picture books which teach kids the joy of reading in a format they'll love!


TumbleMath is a collection of math "TumbleBooks," which combine animation, narration, & sound to create compelling story books for students.

Inclusivity Backpacks

Inclusivity Backpacks

Age-appropriate education to guide families in becoming actively anti-racist and inclusive. Includes books, activity guides, and more.
Intergenerational Backpacks

Intergenerational Backpacks

The 'Move & Play Together' intergenerational kit is a resource designed to support active play between an older adult and a child.
Thunderbird Learners Backpacks

Thunderbird Learners Backpacks

Developed in partnership with the Red Deer Native Friendship Society, each backpack focuses on one of the Seven Sacred Teachings.
Nature Fun Backpacks

Nature Fun Backpacks

Nature-themed backpacks to help your family explore the great outdoors! Each bag includes books & activities focusing on a different topic.
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