Youth Literacy Book Bundles

Youth Literacy Book Bundles

Are you looking for books to support both your school-aged child's interests and reading level? Youth Literacy Book Bundles will provide books geared towards fun reading, solo reading and buddy reading.

"*" indicates required fields

Titles will be placed on hold for pickup at your preferred branch. You will receive an email or phone call when your items are ready for pickup. Should you request only digital items (eBooks and eAudiobooks), a booklist will be created and emailed to you.
We will do our best to have your bundle ready for your next tutoring session.
Youth's Name*
Parent's Name
Approximate Grade reading level or Fountas and Pinnell range. Examples of books/authors can be ones they've already enjoyed!
What does your child/youth enjoy reading?*
Check off top three interests.
Which format works best for you/your child?*
If you selected physical materials in the previous question, please indicate which type of formats of materials you wish to receive.
Select the top 3 current skills and/or struggles we should account for when selecting material.*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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