Red Deer Public Library Presents:
Be a Part of the Story

About the Project
Be a Part of the Story
Directed by: Briana Ehnes, Events & Innovation Manager, Red Deer Public Library
Starring: Red Deer Public Library staff and members of the Red Deer community.
Synopsis: Public libraries often get a bad rap as being outdated institutions in a modern world. We want to challenge that stereotype, proving how public libraries uplift their communities and champion diversity, acceptance, and equity. Follow along as Red Deer Public Library shows you what it really means to be a public library in the 21st Century, and how we strive to meet the needs of our ever-changing, ever-growing city. This is our story… be a part of the story.
Episode Guide: Be a Part of the Story is presented in six episodes, and is available on TELUS Optik TV channel 9, Stream+, and on STORYHIVE’s YouTube channel, opens a new window. You can also find the episodes below!
Watch the Series!
Please note that Be a Part of the Story was filmed between Fall 2023 and Spring 2024, so some of the programs and services mentioned may not still be offered.
Episode one
Welcome to Red Deer Public Library
Join Red Deer Public Library staff as we introduce you to the four public library branches in Red Deer, and provide context into the work we do, the customers and community organizations we work with, and the city that we serve.
Episode Two
Turning Back the Pages: The History of RDPL
Follow along as we explore the early days of Red Deer Public Library and how the library has evolved over the years. Featuring a special guest from the Red Deer Museum + Art Gallery, opens a new window, as well as past and present library staff members.
Episode Three
Behind the Scenes
Do you know how a book gets catalogued? Or how library programs are developed? Dive behind the scenes and learn how RDPL operates, from ordering and cataloguing collections, to managing budgets, and planning programs and events.
Episode Four
I Didn't Know Libraries Did That!
Did you know that Red Deer Public Library loans more than just books? Come along and discover all the things you can borrow at the library, including video games, book club kits, toys, seeds, musical instruments, radon testing kits, and more!
Episode Five
It's Not All Sunshine
Being a public library isn't without challenges, and Red Deer Public Library is no exception. Follow along as we discuss misinformation, censorship, homelessness, addictions, and public outrage over programs like Drag Queen Storytime.
Episode Six
Libraries of the 21st Century
The future is bright! Join Red Deer Public Library as we discuss why public libraries are still relevant, ways the library could grow to better meet community needs, and explore some fun possibilities on the horizon.

Be a Part of the Story is made possible with the support from TELUS STORYHIVE, and is available for free on TELUS Optik TV.