Teen Discord

Meet Your Hosts

Meet Simon

Nice to meet you! I’m your moderator, Simon @psimonkee, lover of movies and cat-dad extraordinaire. I am particularly fond of horror movies but I don’t scare easily! If you think you have a movie recommendation that will scare me, be sure to let me know! 

I enjoy reading hardboiled detective novels, science fiction and fantasy although I seem to have the misfortune of selecting authors who only publish once every ten years or so. My favourite novel of all time is Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton which I have read so many times, I practically have it memorized!

I’m an avid manga reader and have been reading One Piece for the past 15 years. If you want to talk about the latest chapters or theories, I’m your guy! Other series I am currently reading include Chainsaw Man, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Spy x Family

Meet Claire

Hi! I’m Claire @whatcsees (she/her).

I am so excited to be one of the Teen Discord moderators. A little about me: I have a husky, I love to read, and have recently become a huge fan of audiobooks. I look forward to doing one of my favourite things–  talk about books, TV, and movies!

 Some favourite reads have been:

The Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins (Just read it for the first time this year!)

That’s Not My Name by Megan Lally (A twisty YA thriller with a wholly unexpected ending.)

The Illuminae Files by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman (Likely my favourite YA series of all time.)


Teen Advisory Discord Sign Up

Website sign up form for Teen Advisory Discord. Each submission is vetted by library staff please allow 1-3 days to receive Discord link.

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Email must be a personal email not a school email. Can be a parent or guardian email.
Please provide age. Teen Discord is for teens age 13-17.
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